23.12.19 02:53 PM By Stephen Merrigan



Taking leaps of faith can be beneficial, and even though nothing is guaranteed, you should still make those moves that have a high likelihood of catapulting you to the next level. For a school that you are trying to market into a success, we will be checking out some strategies that can bring good fortune and wealth to your school this year.


Take a look at some of the marketing strategies that should be taking your energy, time, and resources.


1.       Create a School Blog


Most schools never think of blogging as a vital tool that can aid their success. Whether you believe it will not make any significant difference or nobody on your marketing team wants to write, blogging remains an important strategy that every school should adopt. A blog will help improve your school website’s performance in search results, drive traffic to your blog, and make people trust you because you are always sharing information.


2.       Create a Content Offer to prospects


Schools continue to face the problem of not getting student enrollment and one way of solving that is to communicate with and offer value to prospects. A content offer can be an eBook, something valuable, a viewbook, or whitepaper. Any of these can get prospects into your sales funnel earlier. Once prospects can get something of value, they may be more inclined to take a further look into the things you can offer them.


3.       Take Search Engine Optimization More Seriously


Many school marketers do not have the patience for SEO, and this is where they all get it wrong. SEO requires significant investment, resources, and time. Blogging also plays a significant role alongside other variables like keyword research and implementing those keywords. SEO takes a lot of time and will, without a doubt, help your school stay visible on the internet.


4.       Marketing Automation


Saving time should be one of your goals for the new year, and to achieve that, you will need to invest in marketing automation. Marketing automation will help you to market your school to different audiences on different channels by executing repetitive tasks automatically. For instance, social media posts and emails can be automated with little to no input from you so that you can pay attention to other things. Some apps that you can use include SproutSocial, HootSuite, and Buffer.


5.       Social Media Ads


If you think social media ads do not work, then you must be doing it wrong. You have to focus on the social media networks that your audience uses. So, target social media platforms on which you are likely to find parents. Choose the right geographical location with people who may be interested in enrolling their kids in school.



6.       Put out more Video Content


Video content has always gotten more engagement than any other type of content. So, you should include it in your marketing strategy. Make live videos on social media, create a VLOG where you can talk about what your school offers, testimonials, and put them up on your website and across social media platforms. 




Major, Mia. "Major 8 Smart Marketing Strategies For Schools In 2019" Final Site Blog, 1 December, 2019,  Jan 10, 2019.